
Policy Guide

Energy/CO2 taxation and emissions trading


  • Vondung, Florin (Lead author)
  • Venjakob, Maike (Author)
  • Thomas, Stefan (Reviewer)

References and further reading

  • Andersen, Mikael Skou (2004): Vikings and Virtues: A Decade of CO2 Taxation. In: Climate Policy, Vol. 4(1):13-24.
  • Andersen, Mikael Skou (2010): Europe’s Experience with Carbon Taxation. In: S.A.P.I.EN.S., Vol. 3(2). www.bigee.net/s/vz1fqk
  • Barker, Terry et al. (2007), Metz, Bert; Davidson, Ogunlade; Bosch, Peter; Dave, Rutu; Meyer, Leo (Eds.): 11.7.2 Carbon leakage. In (book chapter): Mitigation from a cross-sectoral perspective. In (book): Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. www.bigee.net/s/aehxt6 Print version: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., and New York, N.Y., U.S.A.. 
  • Bovenberg, A. Lans; de Mooij, Ruud A. (1994): Environmental Levies and Distortionary Taxation. In: American Economic Review, Vol. 84(4): 1085-1089.
  • Danish Energy Agency (2000): Green Taxes for Trade and Industry - description and evaluation. The Danish Energy Agency, Kopenhagen. www.bigee.net/s/kss56w
  • Ekins, Paul; Barker, Terry (2003): Carbon taxes and carbon emissions trading. In: Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol. 15(3):325-376.
  • Goulder, Lawrence H. (1994): Environmental Taxation and the „Double Dividend“: A Reader’s Guide. Working Paper No. 4896, NBER Working Paper Series. NBER: Cambridge, MA. www.bigee.net/s/pshaqd
  • INFRAS; Ecologic Institute (2007): Erfahrungen mit Energiesteuern in Europa: Lehren für die Schweiz. Studie im Auftrag des Schweizer Bundesamts für Energie (BFE) www.bigee.net/s/vuxibj
  • Keen, Michael (1998): Vertical Tax Externalities in the Theory of Fiscal Federalism. In IMF Staff Papers, Vol. 45(3). www.bigee.net/s/kxde12
  • Kosonen, Katri; Nicodème, Gaetan (2009): The role of fiscal instruments in environmental policy. CESifo Working Paper No. 2719. European Communities: Luxembourg www.bigee.net/s/a8r9d6
  • Oeko Institut (2010): Free allocation of emission allowances and CDM/JI credits within the EU ETS. Analysis of selected industries and companies in Germany. Study on behalf of WWF Germany. www.bigee.net/s/rf4ize
  • Schlegelmilch, Kai; Bunse, Maike (2008): Ecological Tax Reform and Emissions Trading – can they work togeher in practice? An empirical analysis for Germany. In: Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation. International and Comparative Perspectives. Volume V. Edited by Nathalie Chalifour, Janet E Milne, Hope Ashiabor, Kurt Deketelaere, and Larry Kreiser.
  • Sumner, Jenny; Bird, Lori; Smith, Hillary (2009): Carbon Taxes: A Review of Experience and Policy Design Considerations”. Technical Report NREL/TP-6A2-47312. NREL: Golden, CO. www.bigee.net/s/f9g51b
  • Tichler, Robert (2005): Some Remarks on the Problem of Finding Optimal Energy Prices. Diskussionspapier Nr. 21. Energie Institut: Linz. www.bigee.net/s/ke79yz

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