
What is bigEE?

About bigEE

bigEE is an international initiative by research institutes for technical and policy advice and public agencies in the field of energy and climate, co-ordinated by the Wuppertal Institute (Germany). Its aim is to develop the international web-based knowledge platform bigee.net for energy efficiency in buildings, building-related technologies, and appliances in the world’s main climatic zones.

Why we created bigEE

In the short and medium term, energy efficiency is the biggest, fastest, and most cost-effective option for saving energy and mitigating climate change. Energy efficiency in buildings will especially play a major role as this has the potential to contribute to reductions of up to 38% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. However, while information on technologies and policies is abundant, it is scattered loosely and decision-makers find it difficult to access.

bigEE – “bridging the information gap on Energy Efficiency in buildings” – addresses this problem by summarising knowledge and presenting comprehensive, independent, and high-quality information on energy efficiency in buildings, supporting decision-making and its implementation.

What the bigee.net platform provides

The bigee.net platform informs users about energy efficiency options and savings potentials, net benefits and how policy can support achieving those savings. Targeted information is paired with recommendations and examples of good practice. To ensure there is targeted, quick and easy access, information about buildings, appliances and policies is presented in three different intuitive guides.

For whom bigEE works

The declared goal, and a distinctive feature of bigEE, is to address decision-makers, being private or public investors as well as policy-makers in administrations and parliaments. The processing and presentation of information via bigee.net is focused towards the background and practical needs of these target groups.

Information will also be provided with a view to the specific conditions and needs of different countries.

Accordingly, bigEE is based on a network of institutions in these countries, which collect, process and actively disseminate information. The first bigEE partner countries are China and South Africa. Negotiations with partners in India and Mexico are ongoing.


bigEE receives financial support from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), under the German International Climate Initiative (ICI). The co-ordination team from the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy includes Dr. Stefan Thomas as Project Co-ordinator, Prof. Dr. Peter Hennicke as Principal Advisor and Kilian Topp as Project Manager.

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Note: This project was finished in December 2016 - Content is no longer updated but most of it still considered useful.