

Thank you

More people have contributed to the content creation and web development of this platform than can be listed here.

A big thank you to all the people who contributed to the development of this web-based knowledge platform.


Dr Thomas, Stefan Mr

Prof Dr Hennicke, Peter Mr

Topp, Kilian Mr

Content Creation

Aydin, Vera Ms

Dr Barthel, Claus Mr

Gokarakonda, Sriraj Mr

Götz, Thomas Mr

Hauptstock, Dorothea Ms

Kiyar, Dagmar Ms

Moore, Christopher Mr

Rasch, Jana Ms

Schüwer, Dietmar Mr

Tholen, Lena Ms

Venjakob, Maike Ms

Vondung, Florin Mr

Xia, Chun Ms

Web Development

Angermann, Daniel Mr

Battenberg, Tobias Mr

Beckmann, Malte Mr

Brochhaus, Martin Mr

Doyé, Caroline Ms

Heijne (von), Gabriel Mr

Lorenz, Tobias Mr

Marks, Michael Mr

Schäper, Jonathan Mr

Schiffer, René Mr

Note: This project was finished in December 2016 - Content is no longer updated but most of it still considered useful.