
Buildings Guide

Buildings Guide bigEE - Your guide to energy efficiency in buildings

Upgrade to Ultra-Low-Energy Buildings

Explore energy levels and savings, find design-strategies and recommendations for different climate and building types and find an appropriate combination of techniques and technologies to make Ultra-Low-Energy Buildings the standard.

Find out about our strategic approach, recommendations, options and good practice examples for new and renovated energy-efficient buildings. We have currently listed in our database:

New to bigEE Buildings Guide?

If you are new to the Buildings Guide, please check out the tour, which explains what you can find in our guide. You can also have a look at our impulse PDFs, which can be found below, which provide information on why is it important to build energy efficient buildings, how these can be implemented, energy as well cost savings that are possible and why a Strategic Approach is needed.

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Buildings Guide for: Residential Services

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Note: This project was finished in December 2016 - Content is no longer updated but most of it still considered useful.