How policies need to interactTo make energy efficiency happen, policy must support all market actors in overcoming their multiple barriers. This usually requires a package of policies and measures with different functions – Policies need to interact! |
Why policy is neededFind out about saving potentials and co-benefits, and learn why policy is needed to assist the various actors in overcoming their specific barriers and to strengthen their incentives to harness energy efficiency. |
How to design and implement policiesSuccessful policy needs careful planning and design, schemes to ensure compliance, and monitoring and evaluation to learn what works and what can be improved. |
How to rate and weight good practice policiesbigEE uses a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) to rate and select good practice policies. Criteria range from appropriateness of policy design, integration of innovative elements, availability of ex-post evaluation, to questions of effectiveness. Find out how this assessment scheme works and explore some case studies. |
The recommended package for buildings: what actors need and which policies advanced countries combineWhich policies and measures need to be combined to make ultra-low-energy buildings the standard? The paper analyses relevant market actors and their barriers and incentives to invest in energy-efficiency. Then implementation strategies are identified resulting in appropriate policy packages. On the empirical side the paper validates the theoretical analysis with empirical proof on model examples of good practice policies. |
Brochure on energy efficiency policies for buildingsThis brochure presents the main outcomes of the bigEE policy guide for buildings. Main topics are the recommended policy package, good practice examples and tips for policy design. |
German Experiences to obtain Energy Efficiency Gains in Cities through Green BuildingsTraining textbook resulted from the project "Qualification of Key Actors in the Building Energy Efficiency Sector" (KABEE) in cooperation with bigEE. |
Poster presentation at Green Buildings Conference in Beijing 2016Poster presenting the launch of bigEE's Chinese website ( at the Green Buildings Conference in Beijing (30 – 31 March 2016). |
Poster at "Our Common Future Under Climate Change"-Conference, Paris 2015Poster at the Conference "Our Common Future Under Climate Change" with the title "Strategic policy packages to deliver energy efficiency in buildings – theoretical analysis and international evidence" by Stefan Thomas, Vera Aydin, Dagmar Kiyar, Lena Tholen, Maike Venjakob, Hermann Ott and Stefan Lechtenböhmer. |
Strategic policy packages to deliver energy efficiency in buildings - their international evidenceThe paper presents the recommended strategic policy packages for new and existing buildings as well as a comparison of existing national policy packages from California (USA), China, Denmark, Germany, and Tunisia and what we learned from it for effective packages and implementation. Conference: eceee 2013 Summer Study |
Presentation of the eceee 2013 conference paperPresentation of the eceee 2013 conference paper with the title “Strategic policy packages to deliver energy efficiency in buildings - their international evidence” |
What makes a good policy? Guidance for assessing and implementing energy efficiency policiesWhich factors are crucial to successfully design and implement a ‘good practice’ policy to increase the energy efficiency of appliances? This paper presents a newly developed multi-criteria assessment scheme. The scheme rates and weights different implemented policies and defines what is a good practice. Conference: eceee 2013 Summer Study |
Poster of the eceee 2013 conference paperPoster of the eceee 2013 conference paper with the title “What makes a good policy? Guidance for assessing and implementing energy efficiency policies” |
Combining theoretical analysis with empirical evidence from an international comparison: policy packages to make energy savings in buildings happenWhat are the best policies and measures to stimulate energy efficiency in buildings and appliances? It is time to address the question in a systematic way – by combining theoretical evidence on what policy support markets need, and evaluation results on which packages of policies have worked well. Conference: IEPEC 2012 – International Energy Program Evaluation Conference |
Presentation of the IEPEC 2012 conference paperPresentation of the IEPEC 2012 conference paper with the title “Combining theoretical analysis with empirical evidence from an international comparison: policy packages to make energy savings in buildings happen” |
Combining theoretical and empirical evidence: Policy packages to make energy efficiency in buildings happenWhat are the best policies to stimulate energy efficiency in buildings? It is time to bridge the information gap and address the question in a new way - by combining theoretical evidence on what policy support is needed, and empirical evidence on the combination of policies which have worked. Conference: eceee 2011 Summer Study |
Poster of the eceee 2011 conference paperPoster of the eceee 2011 conference paper with the title “Combining theoretical and empirical evidence: Policy packages to make energy efficiency in buildings happen” |
Energy Efficiency of GermanyThe new issue of the Indian magazine „energyⁿ manager“ focuses on energy efficiency policy development around the world. Different country papers illustrate the situation in countries like Australia, Japan and the USA. Lena Tholen contributed an article about the German energy efficiency policies and the relevance of |
GlossarySpecific terms and abbreviations from the building, policy and appliance guides are explained in the glossary. The document will be updated regularly. |