
Appliances Guide

Refrigerators & Freezers

Refrigerators and freezers are responsible for almost 14 % of the electricity consumption in private households worldwide. About half of this electricity consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions can be saved with the most energy-efficient technologies currently available. This will usually save consumers more money than the price premium on the energy-efficient appliance.

Stoves & ovens

Cooking is the most universal residential energy service. It is responsible for around 5% of all greenhouse-gas emissions worldwide, which is about 2 billion tons of CO2 equivalent emissions per year. Around three quarters of this is due to inefficient biomass- or coal-based cooking in developing countries. Around 50 % of energy for this solid-fuel cooking could be saved with very low costs and high net benefits. Switching to energy-efficient and low-carbon modern cooking appliances may allow even higher savings but at higher costs.

Washing machines

Washing machines are responsible for about 2 % of the electricity consumption in private households worldwide. With the most energy-efficient technologies currently available, up to 55% of electricity and up to 73% of water savings and the corresponding reductions in greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved.


TVs are responsible for about 7 % of the electricity consumption in private households worldwide. A significant amount of this electricity consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions can be saved with the most energy-efficient technologies currently available. This will usually save consumers more money than the price premium on the energy-efficient appliance.

Note: On bigee.net, air-conditioning, heating and lighting technologies are not (only) considered appliances but integral components of a holistic building design as recommended in the bigEE Buildings Guide. Hence, information on these technologies can be found there.

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Note: This project was finished in December 2016 - Content is no longer updated but most of it still considered useful.