
bigEE at IGEBC 2014

March 25, 2014

bigEE goes China: The 10th IGEBC promotes Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction.

On March 29, 2014, in collaboration with bigEE’s Chinese partner CSUS-IBR, Wuppertal Institute will organise a panel session “EU-China exchange on building energy efficiency technologies and policies” at the “The 10th International Conference on Green and Energy-Efficient Building & New Technologies and Products Expo”(IGEBC) in Beijing, China. The annual IGEBC is the most influential and largest event in the field of green building in China. More than 3,000 visitors, including political decision-makers and investors at different administrative levels, are expected.

The bigEE initiative will be at the centre of the panel session. bigEE experts will present how bigEE could support energy efficiency in China and how the bigEE China country project continuously progresses. Meanwhile, this panel session also serves as a platform of knowledge exchange on building energy efficiency development in Europe and China. 

From the Chinese side, three experts from research facilities and real estate will bring in different perspectives of building energy efficiency development in China and reflect on European experiences. Furthermore, bigEE project co-ordinator Dr. Stefan Thomas will present how policies boost (ultra)low energy buildings in Europe. Also, bigEE building expert Mr. Christopher Moore will take the opportunity to share lessons of building energy efficiency design in Europe. 

Both will also give a presentation in the afternoon on March 29 on “bridging the information gap on Energy Efficiency in buildings (bigEE) Platform: technical and policy trends, particularly in Europe” –  at the panel “Innovative Approaches for the Building Sector in China” organised by German Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).


bigEE Workshop Agenda - IGEBC 2014

Workshop-Agenda. EU-China exchange on building energy efficiency technologies and policies. Morning, March 29, 2014, Beijing International Convention Centre

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Note: This project was finished in December 2016 - Content is no longer updated but most of it still considered useful.