The Energy Conservation and Commercialization (ECO-III) project‘s overall objective was to assist the Government of India in the implementation of the Energy Conservation Act of 2001 by building on the earlier phases of the ECO project, with activities aligned with BEE’s focus areas as proposed in the 11th Five Year Plan – namely, developing institutional capacity at the state level by working with designated agencies, and continuing to develop the implementation framework for energy efficiency in (new and existing) buildings and in the municipal sector. Another key objective was to prepare for mandatory enforcement efforts of the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) which will require fundamental changes in the way commercial buildings are designed and constructed vis-à-vis building’s envelope, lighting, and Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system.
Specific objectives and activities planned under the different heads of programs and accomplishments are provided below:
A similar policy is the Indo-Swiss Building Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP, n.d.). It is a bilateral cooperation project between the Ministry of Power (MoP),the Government of India and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) of the Swiss Confederation. The overall objective of the project is to reduce energy consumption in new commercial buildings and to disseminate best practices for the construction of low energy residential and public buildings. The project started in Nov 2011 and was completed in Nov 2016. BEEP’s main activity for promotion of Energy-Efficient Commercial Buildings was to provide design assistance to both public and private buildings through Integrated Building Design Charrette. These design charrettes were targeted at architects, planners, builders, developers, engineers, and government officials.
ECO III is the third phase of the Energy Conservation and Commercialization (ECO) project. The Energy Conservation and Commercialization Bilateral Project Agreement was signed between the Government of India and the United States of America (USA) in January 2000 with the objective to enhance commercial viability and performance of the Indian energy sector as well as to promote utilization of clean and energy-efficient technologies.
ECO phase I (ECO-I) helped India set up the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and to enforce the country’s Energy Conservation Act of 2001.
ECO-II helped agencies in a few targeted states to develop energy conservation strategies and test new approaches through pilot projects. It also contributed to the establishment of India’s first energy efficiency codes for buildings. The third phase,
ECO-III which started in October 2006 and which is the focus of this description, is helping BEE to implement the Energy Conservation Building Codes (ECBC) in Gujarat and Punjab, with an overall focus on improving energy efficiency in the building sector, developing capacity of states to implement energy efficiency programs, and establishing local energy efficiency centers and institutions.
The overall aim of ECO III is to develop the capacity and essential resources to implement energy efficiency programs. Training and events were planned and conducted with focus on buildings, municipal energy efficiency, and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Benchmarks, guidelines and tools were developed with the help of the International Research Group (IRG) and stakeholders for capacity building and implementation of energy efficiency programs, including the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC).
Following actions are targeted:
The ECO III Project closely interacts with the BEE and Energy Conservation Building Codes.
ECO III project has developed innovative tools for self-evaluation of ECBC compliance of buildings, and benchmarking for energy consumption through regression based analysis of building energy usage data available at BEE. These are available on the website of ECO III project ( (see reference: “Whole Building Performance”, “Prescriptive Measures”, “ECO benchmark” (ECO III, n.d.).
The following pre-conditions are necessary to implement ECO-III:
Agencies or other actors responsible for implementation
International co-operations
There is cooperation between USAID and India. It facilitates the sharing of energy and environment best practices between the U.S. and India. Under the program of ‘Energy and Environment’, it works with Indian partners to increase viability in the power sector, conserve resources, and promote clean technologies and renewable energy.
Actors responsible for design
United States Agency for International Development (USAID/ India) USAID is funding the ECO-III Project, and is closely monitoring execution of the Project being implemented by International Resource Group (IRG).
Actors responsible for implementation
IRG provides worldwide services in energy policy, power sector reform, regulation, utility management, renewable energy and energy efficiency. They develop and implement effective strategies to address energy access, improve sector governance, support economic solutions and build the capacity of critical institutions. IRG and its partners are implementing ECO-III by working closely with international experts and other organizations that are part of the ECO-III team.
The Ministry of Power is the nodal ministry for energy conservation activities and bilateral programs. It is responsible for monitoring USAID ECO-III Project. A project compendium is available without impact data on costs or savings.
BEE, on behalf of Government of India, Ministry of Power, has been partnering with the ECO-III Project on a day-to-day basis. ECO-III project, being implemented by IRG, is closely interacting with BEE on project activities such as implementation of energy conservation action plan (ECAP), curriculum enhancement at architecture and engineering colleges, improving energy efficiency in existing buildings and municipalities, and promoting energy efficiency in small and medium enterprises.
Furthermore, USAID is closely monitoring execution of the project.
Dynamic market transformation and or innovation
The program aims at the development of energy efficiency technology market , and building capacity of the supply side actors like architects , developers and manufacturers. It also improves the government officials understanding codes and standards for energy efficiency and builds up the capacity for compliance evaluation.
Creating spill-over effects
The program has components for buildings and SMEs. The actors in these sectors will implement the principles of energy efficiency in design and operation and maintenance where ever there is an opportunity creating a spill-over effect.
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