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EU Energy Label

“Energy labels move the market towards highly energy efficient products which is a major contribution to reaching Europe's energy efficiency, competitiveness and climate change goals. At the same time, they save money for consumers” (European Union Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger). The European mandatory comparative label aims to inform consumers about the energy efficiency of the products and other product characteristics. The label was very successful. Whenever a product was labelled, the inefficient appliances seemed to rather quickly disappear from sale.


  • Tholen, Lena (Lead author)
  • Thomas, Stefan (Author)

References and further reading

  • ANEC-R&T (2007): A review of the range of activity throughout Member States related to compliance with the EU Energy Label regulations in those countries.
  • ATKINS (2006): Impact Assessment on the Future Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (CLWP: 2006/TREN/032).
  • Berg, Lisbeth; Stø, Eivind; Strandbakken, Pål (2009): WP 5: Consumer and the EU Energy Label Report from a European comparative study. BARENERGY project, Deliverable D 23.
  • Bertoldi, Paolo; Atanasiu, Bogdan (2007): Electricity Consumption and Efficiency Trends in the Enlarged European Union – Status report 2006 – European Commission.
  • Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Natur und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU) (2008) Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland (2008): Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage.
  • European Commission (2008): Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products. Impact Assessment. SEC(2008) 2862.
  • European Commission (2009): Commission staff working document. Accompanying document to the proposal for a commission regulation implementing Directive 2005/32/EC with regard to household refrigerating appliances. Full impact assessment. SEC(2009) 1020 final.
  • Europe Economics; Fraunhofer-ISI; BSR Sustainability; FfE (2007): Impact assessment study on a possible extension, tightening or simplification of the framework directive 92/75/EEC on energy labelling of household appliances.
  • Faberi, S. et al. (2009): Preparatory Studies for Ecodesign Requirements of EuPs (Tender TREN/D1/40-2005) Lot 13: Domestic Refrigerators and Freezers, Final Report. Lead contractor: ISIS with contribution from Presutto, ENEA; Stamminger, University of Bonn; Scialdoni, ISIS; Mebane, ISIS; Esposito, ISIS.
  • FTC (2008): Energy Guidance: Appliance Shopping With the EnergyGuide Label www.bigee.net/s/x7jb2x
  • International Energy Agency (IEA) (2003): Cool appliances: policy strategies for energy efficient homes
  • Ipsos MORI (2008): Project Energy, Online Omnibus in 7 markets.
  • Keith, R. (2009): Brazil Updates Mandatory Energy Label for Air Conditioners. Clasp. www.bigee.net/s/1mfba8 
  • Lebot, Benôit/ Waide, Paul/ Newman, John (2000): The European Appliance Labelling Programme.
  • Schlomann, Barbara; Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Gruber, Edelgard/Kling, Nicola/Mannsbart, Wilhelm/Stöckle, Friedemann (2001): Evaluation the Implementation of the Energy Consumption Labelling Ordinance. Research Project on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, No. 28/00.
  • Swedish Energy Agency (2006): Ten Years of Energy Labelling of Domestic Appliances 1995-2005.
  • VDE (2005): Neues Energielabel in China. See: www.bigee.net/s/knk982 
  • Winward, John/Schiellerup, Pernille/ Boardman, Brenda (1998): Cool Labels. The first three years of the European Energy Label. Energy and Environmental Programme Environmental Change Unit, University of Oxford.


  • Location:
    European Union (EU)

  • Type of policy:
    Mandatory comparative labelling scheme

  • Implementation period:
    1992 to present

  • Year of latest revision:

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