
Policy Guide

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MED-ENEC demonstration projects for energy efficiency in Buildings (MED-ENEC)

Demonstration projects for energy efficiency in new buildings and refurbishment in several countries in the Middle East and North Africa region have shown energy savings between 20% and more than 95% compared to conventional practice. Only about half of the pilot projects are economically viable at current (often subsidised) energy prices, but through learning effects and the adoption of only the most energy efficient measures, cost-effectiveness can be improved for most future projects. Generally, cost-effectiveness is more difficult to attain in countries with subsidised energy prices. The way the buildings have been constructed, the payback time range is between two and 60 years, where the average payback time is around 23 years, but can be reduced significantly as stated above.


  • Adisorn, Thomas (Lead author)
  • Andritzky, Paul (Author)
  • Thomas, Stefan (Reviewer)

References and further reading

Additional sources and links 
  • European Commission (EC) (2012): European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) - Regional Indicative Programme (2011-2013) for the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. www.bigee.net/s/jssqcf


  • Location:
    Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Territory, Occupied, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia

  • Type of policy:
    Funding for research, development and demonstration (RD&D) projects

  • Implementation period:
    2006 to present

  • Year of latest revision:

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Note: This project was finished in December 2016 - Content is no longer updated but most of it still considered useful.