Passive Options
Good building design relies on passive design techniques (options) that adapt to the climate of a region in order to maintain comfort conditions in the space. Passive options should be implemented so that the need for mechanical and electrical systems to achieve good indoor environmental quality is eliminated or kept to a minimum.
Energy-efficient buildings can be achieved through a holistic design with energy-efficient technologies and intelligent building management. This holistic design follows the Strategic Approach paradigm of first implementing load-reducing “Passive Options” for building design, followed by energy-efficient “Active Options” for thermal conditioning and ventilation as needed and then fine-tuning building operation through “User Behaviour and Energy Management”.
How to use this tool:
This page allows you to see detailed information on the various design options (passive, active, user behaviour and energy management) to achieving energy efficient buildings. Please click a tab to read more about each option providing information on technology overview including a key message, energy efficiency potential, cost and energy savings data and good practice examples.