
Buildings Guide

Space Heating  »  Ground source heat pump (GSHP)


Geothermal energy is broadly referred to as energy that is present within the Earth that can be utilized using the available means. As shown in the figure below 46% of energy from the Sun is absorbed by the Earth. Earth has a capacity to store and release heat and act as a massive seasonal thermal storage. Geothermal energy is utilized in two broad categories. Approximately 4-6 meters below of the Earth’s surface and upto 100 meters the temperatures remain constant, equal to the locations mean annual average temperature and there of increases by 2 °C every 100 meters. Exchanging the heat with this portion of earth is one way of using geothermal energy. Besides, there are also advanced geothermal technologies that could exploit hot rock or off-shore hydrothermal, magma, gysers and geo- pressured resources. However, the former technology suits applications such as GSHP where as the latter technology suits applications such as power generation and district heat systems such as CHCP. The focus is on the former technologiy which can be easily integrated with Heat pumps to use in residential and small scale commercial applications.

Basics of a GSHP
1. Heat pump; 2. Ground heat exchange loop; 3. Space heating/cooling distribution system


Laying of horizontal loop heat exchanger is relative easy and than the vertical loop heat exchanger. Vertical loop heat exchanger requires on site drilling of boreholes into which the heat exchange pipes are inserted. Different types of drilling methods suit different types of soil and different depths. Popular drilling methods include Rotary drilling, Auger drilling, Air core drilling, Diamond core drilling and Direct push rigs and drilling. The kind of drilling methods available limits the feasibility of Vertical loop heat exchanger.

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