This guide is designed to help you find an appropriate combination of policies and measures to gradually mainstream Ultra-Low-Energy New Buildings, high energy savings in building retrofit and operation, and super-efficient appliances.
Value chains for buildings and appliances are complex, and many different actors have to work together to achieve energy efficiency.
Policy is needed
A well-designed package of policies and measures must assist the various actors to harness energy efficiency.
The most advanced countries achieve additional energy savings of 1.5% each year, with net economic gains and many other benefits.
For this purpose the Policy Guide
How policies need to interactTo make energy efficiency happen, policy must support all market actors in overcoming their multiple barriers. This usually requires a package of policies and measures with different functions – Policies need to interact! |
Why policy is neededFind out about saving potentials and co-benefits, and learn why policy is needed to assist the various actors in overcoming their specific barriers and to strengthen their incentives to harness energy efficiency. |
How to design and implement policiesSuccessful policy needs careful planning and design, schemes to ensure compliance, and monitoring and evaluation to learn what works and what can be improved. |