
Policy Guide

Feedback and measures on behaviour


  • Xia, Chun (Lead author)
  • Thomas, Stefan (Author)
  • Aydin, Vera (Reviewer)

References and further reading

  • American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) (2012): Greening Workstyles. An Analysis of Energy Behavior Programs in the Workplace. January 2012. www.bigee.net/s/wgijfy
  • Balmert, David; Grote, Daniel; Petrov, Konstantin (2012): Development of Best Practice Recommendations for Smart Meters Rollout in the Energy Community. Final report submitted to Energy Community Secretariat by KEMA International B.V. www.bigee.net/s/mq96k1
  • BEAMA with contributions from others (2010): European Smart Metering Alliance Final Report. January 2010. www.bigee.net/s/gu3nkr
  • Consumer Focus (2010): Ensuring a successful smart meter roll-out – a consumer perspective. October 2010. www.bigee.net/s/zz9kkv
  • Darby, Sarah (2006): The effectiveness of feedback on energy consumption. A review for defra of the literature on metering, billing and direct displays. April 2006. www.bigee.net/s/a2k3kg
  • Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) (2012 a): Smart meter rollout for the small and medium non-domestic sector1 (GB): impact assessment. www.bigee.net/s/s5ws5a 
  • Department of Energy and Climate Change DECC (2012 b): Smart meter rollout for the domestic sector (GB): impact assessment. www.bigee.net/s/1usamf
  • Duscha, Markus; Dünnhoff, Elke (2007): Innovative Stromrechnungen als Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Transformation des Elektrizitätssystems. Research report for the project of „Transformation and Innovation in Power Systems“ (TIPS) im Rahmen der sozial-ökologischen Forschung des BMBF. www.bigee.net/s/8yfcb4
  • Ehrhardt-Martinez, Karen (2011): Changing habits, lifestyles and choices: The behaviours that drive feedback induced energy savings. Paper presented at ECEEE 2011 SUMMER STUDY • Energy efficiency first: The foundation of a low-carbon society 
  • EurActiv (2012, June 21). Doubts cast over consumer benefits of smart meters. www.bigee.net/s/bp2dam
  • EurActiv (2012, September 18). EU 'considering' 2013 benchmark report on smart meters. www.bigee.net/s/f54k3b
  • Fischer, Corinna (2007): Influencing electricity consumption via consumer feedback: a review of experience. Paper presented at eceee 2007 Summer Study - Saving energy - just do it! www.bigee.net/s/bd6u2h 
  • Giordano, Vincenzo; Onyeji, Ijeoma; Fulli, Gianluca; Sánchez Jiménez, Manuel; Filiou, Constantina (2012): Guidelines for cost benefit analysis of smart metering deployment. JRC scientific and technical research. www.bigee.net/s/a7dhjf
  • Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung (IFEU) (2006): Informative Electricity Bill for Private Households – A pilot scheme in Heidelberg. www.bigee.net/s/b6rd2k
  • Moser, Simon; Kollmann, Andrea; Reichl, Johannes (2011): Innovative consumption information with social feedback regressed from household characteristics. Paper presented at eceee 2011 Summer Study - Energy efficiency first: The foundation of a low-carbon society.
  • Schleich, Joachim; Klobasa, Marian; Brunner, Marc; Gölz, Sebastian; Götz, Konrad; Sunderer, Georg (2011): Smart metering in Germany – results of providing feedback information in a field trial. Paper presented at eceee 2011 Summer Study • Energy efficiency first : The foundation of a low-carbon society 
  • Stromback , Jessica; Dromacque, Christophe; Yassin, Mazin H. (2011): The potential of smart meter enabled programs to increase energy and systems efficiency: a mass pilot comparison. www.bigee.net/s/pj52f8
  • van Elburg, Henk (2011): SmartRegions: improving energy efficiency prospects of smart metering through collaboration and innovative services. Paper presented at eceee 2011 Summer Study - Energy efficiency first: The foundation of a low-carbon society 

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Mission E – Energy Efficiency, Savings, Emissions, Commitment
Type: Feedback and measures on behaviour
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