
Policy Guide

Good practice package for buildings in Tunisia

Title Status Description
Policy roadmap and targets for Ultra-Low-Energy Buildings Implemented

Quadrennial plans set targets for energy efficiency. Current plan from 2009-2014 sets target to improve the energy efficiency indicator to 275 kg oil equivalent per 1000 dinars of GDP at constant prices in 2014.

International co-operation Implemented

Bilateral and multilateral donors offer technical and financial resources in order to improve energy efficiency in the Tunisian building stock.

Energy agencies Implemented

ANME was established in 1985 and is in charge of increasing energy efficiency and diversifying energy sources

Energy efficiency funds Implemented

There is a National Energy Fund (FNME), which provides financial incentives for energy efficiency and renewable energy

Energy saving obligations for energy companies Not Implemented

Removal/reform of subsidies to end-user energy prices and on energy supply Implemented

By 2017 subsidies are to be phased out.

Regulation of energy companies Implemented

The Tunisian Company of Electricity and Gas (STEG), which is a public and non -administrative company, having the monopoly for electricity distribution in Tunisia, has been appointed by the government to manage the PROSOL programme’s credit line.

Minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) Implemented

There are insulation and thermal requirements for new buildings.

Mandatory energy performance certificates & equipment labels Implemented

Buildings can be ranked on eight levels. Level five indicates a building fulfilling the MEPS, buildings with a level between six to eight perform worse.

Energy advice & assistance during design and construction Not Implemented

Provision of information Implemented

A Local Energy Information Network is planned in cooperation with France. There is a communication and awareness programme, and further actions to raise awareness on energy efficiency are implemented as well.

Financial Incentives for ULEB and deep retrofits Implemented

Promo-isol and Prosol provide both, grant and soft-loans in order to promote energy-efficient construction and solar water heaters.

Financing Implemented

Promo-isol and Prosol provide both, grant and soft-loans in order to promote energy-efficient construction and solar water heaters.

Education & training Implemented

Energy efficiency construction requires a trained workforce. For example, this is done by the Ministry of Education and Training.

Funding for research, development and demonstration (RD&D) projects Implemented

43 demonstration residential and non-residential building projects are conducted.


  • Adisorn, Thomas (Author)
  • Andritzky, Paul (Author)
  • Thomas, Stefan (Reviewer)
  • Kiyar, Dagmar (Lead author)
  • Marrouki, Sami (Lead author)

References and further reading

  • Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie (ADEME) (2010): Espaces Info-Énergie, a network to prompt action www.bigee.net/s/i6egst 
  • Amaimia, Néji (NA): Energy Efficiency Tunisian Market www.bigee.net/s/dj4724
  • Agence Nationale pour la Maîtrise de l’Energie (ANME) (2010): Introducing Thermal and Energy Requirements Standards www.bigee.net/s/b4n9yk
  • Antipolis, Sophia (2011): Energy, Climate change and the Building sector in the Mediterranean: Regional Prospects www.bigee.net/s/sbrsvp
  • ASEM (2011): Investment opportunities in the Tunisian and Egyptian energy sectors. Study www.bigee.net/s/yky4th 
  • Bahri, Mohamed (2011): Climate Change Mitigation: Increasing Energy Efficiency in the Building Sector – Summary www.bigee.net/s/kpjk63  
  • Belloumi, Mounir (2009): Energy consumption and GDP in Tunisia: Cointegration and causality analysis. Energy Policy, Vol. 37, Issue 7, pp. 2745 – 2753.
  • Bertelsmann Transformation Index (BTI) (2012): BTI 2012 – Tunisia Country Report www.bigee.net/s/u9d1bb  
  • Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) (2012): San Giorgio Group Case Study: Prosol Tunisia www.bigee.net/s/frem9y 
  • Fonds Francais pour l´Environnement Mondial (FEEM); Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie (ADEME); Réglemenation Thermique et Energétique (2010): Introducing thermal and energy requirements standards in Tunisia www.bigee.net/s/17g3f7 
  • Global Environment Facility (GEF) (NA): Mitigation: Energy Efficiency www.bigee.net/s/9myzyi  
  • Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) (2009): Energiepolitische Rahmenbedingungen für Strommärkte und erneuerbare Energien. Studienreihe Energiepolitische Rahmenbedingungen, Kompetenzfeld “Energie und Transport“.
  • KfW (2010): KfW Programme of Activities Project Idea Note www.bigee.net/s/2ixxif 
  • Open Energy Info (OEI) (NA): Tunisia-GTZ Promotion of EERE www.bigee.net/s/yeczpj  
  • Oxford Business Group (OBG) (2010): The Report: Tunisia 2010. 
  • Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) (2010): Provision of Technical Support/Services for an Economical, Technological and Environmental Impact Assessment of National Regulations and Incentives for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency – Country Report Tunisia. Written by MVV decon an Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy www.bigee.net/s/ucyrrd
  • Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) (2011): Newsletter Issue No. 5.
  • REEGLE (NA): Energy Profile Tunisia. www.bigee.net/s/eaan2e 
  • Saheb, Yamina (2012): Building Energy Efficiency Policies – A Pillar for Past ad Future Low-Carbon Development www.bigee.net/s/45aw11 
  • Société Tunisienne de l´Electricité et du Gaz (STEG) (2011): Tunisian Solar Plan. Presentation by Benaïssa Ayadi, Director-General ER at the Economic Forum Japan – World arab in December 2010 www.bigee.net/s/em37x9
  • World Bank (2010): Tunisia - Energy Efficiency and Biomass Project. Washington D.C. - The Worldbank www.bigee.net/s/ta2xs9 
  • World Bank (2012): Energy use (kt of oil equivalent) www.bigee.net/s/4p8gyt 

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