

Jan. 9, 2017
Optimizing Energy Efficiency in Buildings-bigEE Initiative – Workshop Proceedings on Energy Efficiency in India

bigEE team members attended a workshop on energy efficiency in buildings in India together with Indian partners.

Sept. 15, 2016
bigEE team presentations at International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST) 2016

bigEE team members attended International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST) 2016 with presentations on bigEE.

Aug. 5, 2016
The bigEE.net country pages for India are now online

The bigEE country pages for India provide latest and authoritative information on the technological and policy framework scenario for energy efficiency in buildings and appliances in the country.

June 20, 2016
Case Study on South African Standards and Labelling for the Energy Performance of Residential Appliances

The New South African Standards and Labelling Programme for Residential Appliances – A First-Hand Evaluation Case Study has been presented at IEPPEC in Amsterdam by bigEE’s team.

June 16, 2016
bigEE experts together with Indian partners analysed ways for Decoupling in the Construction and Building Sector - Workshop in Delhi

Decoupling in the Construction and Building Sector becomes a trending subject in India

April 27, 2016
Webinar with bigEE participation 31.3

bigEE at SE4All Global Efficiency Accelerator Platform Webinar Series

April 25, 2016
PhD dissertation supported by bigEE on energy-efficient and green buildings published at TU Berlin University

Comparison of Energy-Efficient and Green Buildings: Technological and Policy Aspects with case studies from Europe, the USA, India and Nepal

April 14, 2016
bigEE makes information about efficient energy use in buildings available in Chinese

bigEE.net present at the Green Buildings Conference in Beijing and being translated in Chinese

Feb. 17, 2016
South Africa's energy saving policy example: Solar Water Heating and Heat Pump Rebate Programme

Solar Water Heating and Heat Pump Rebate Programme (SWH & HP)

Jan. 12, 2016
SANS – New policy and measure for energy efficiency in buildings on South Africa's country page

South Africa policy update

Dec. 18, 2015
Updates on South Africa’s policies for energy efficiency and savings

Policy update for 12L of Income Tax 58 of 1962

Dec. 8, 2015
Energy efficiency in appliances: Energy savings for TVs in residential buildings

Appliances Guide-updated!

Dec. 2, 2015
Improved set of customised recommendations for the residential and services sector for energy efficiency in buildings

Recommendations for energy-efficient buildings within a wide range of options

Dec. 2, 2015
New addition to buildings guide for energy efficiency in buildings: Service sector is now online!

Information on ways to achieve energy efficiency in the service sector buildings

Nov. 30, 2015
Learn more about various passive, active, user behaviour modification and building energy management technologies for energy efficiency in buildings

Useful information on energy efficiency in the Options section on bigEE

Nov. 2, 2015
UNEP Expert Taskforce on Energy Efficiency

Stefan Thomas represents the bigEE initiative.

Aug. 10, 2015
Latest Updates on South Africa’s Policies

Updates in the policy section

June 1, 2015
South Africa: Key Information on Appliances. Updated!

Appliances guidelines updated

March 11, 2015
South Africa: Key Information on Appliances

Updates on South Africa's appliances section

Dec. 4, 2014
South Africa is new on bigEE.net

The bigEE country page for South Africa is now online

Nov. 13, 2014
Policy Guide: New Good Practice Examples for Appliances available

Oct. 13, 2014
Policy Guide: New Good Practice Policy Example available

Oct. 13, 2014
Policy Guide: New good practice Packages for Buildings online

Oct. 9, 2014
bigEE supports KABEE project in China

bigEE is bringing German know-how on Green and Energy Efficient Building techniques, technologies and policies as well as a comparison of energy efficiency in Chinese and German cities to China.

Oct. 9, 2014
Good Practice Technology Examples available: Rocket stove & Save80stove

April 10, 2014
bigEE team visited light+building 2014

Last week the bigEE team visited the light+building in Frankfurt (Germany). This week the second monitoring report of the German Energy Transition was published. It's conclusion: Renewables are on track, efforts for energy efficiency still need to be increased. That is no surprise.

April 10, 2014
bigEE goes China

bigEE members have just returned from Beijing China where they held a dissemination workshop as well as numerous work meetings with their Chinese partners, such as CSUS-IBR. All with the goal of improving energy efficiency in the building sector in China.

March 25, 2014
bigEE at IGEBC 2014

bigEE goes China: The 10th IGEBC promotes Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction.

Feb. 14, 2014
Cooperation with India sealed at IGEF event

Under the umbrella of the "Indo-German Energy Forum“ in Delhi the Indian Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) signed a Letter of Commitment to become part of the bigEE project. The affiliation of India as a country partner is an important step forward to extend the knowledge platform bigEE to provide information on successful policy instruments and technology options for energy efficiency in buildings in one of the largest and fastest growing building sectors worldwide.

Dec. 9, 2013
Improving the bigee.net experience: simplified access to information

A new version of bigee.net was rolled out last week. A number of improvements have made their way into this more refined version. Most notable, an improved navigation, increased portability of content, redesigned guide overviews and a newly introduced reference library help improve the usability of the site.

March 27, 2013
China Country Pages of bigee.net

Few months after its launch the web-based knowledge platform bigee.net is now being expanded with the first of several planned Country Pages. On the 2nd of April 2013 the bigEE China Country Pages will be launched within the framework of the “German Day” at the Ninth International Conference on Green and Energy-Efficient Buildings Conference and New Technologies and Products Expo (GBC) 2013 in Beijing, China. Members of the bigEE team will introduce the international audience to the new section of the bigEE platform.

Dec. 4, 2012
bigee.net is online!

We are excited to announce the launch of bigee.net, a knowledge platform for energy efficiency in buildings, is now live to facilitate the daily work of policy makers and decisions makers in the private sector and many actors in the construction sector. This web platform provides a comprehensive overview of existing know-how on technological solutions and policy options, amended with good practice examples to demonstrate their practicability.